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Foods That Weaken Your Immune System

With the onslaught of cold and flu season, the looming of the H1N1 virus, and shortage of vaccines, it makes more and more sense to do what you can at home for your immune system. An easy way to do this is to avoid the surprising and not so surprising foods that lower your immune system. They are listed below, along with a few myths regarding it.

Your immune system is a network that works to keep harmful substances, such as viruses, bacteria and chemicals, from entering and triggering disease in the body. While a strong immune system lowers your risk for health problems and enhances healing once you have them, poor immune function increases your risk for illness and can slow or prevent healing. A healthy diet, limited in certain foods, may guard against these risks.

Red Meat-

Red meat is a top source of saturated fat, which may increase inflammation in your body, a common way your body reacts to harmful substances, injuries and disease. For boosted immune function it’s recommended to switch out the red meat from your diet in exchange for another source of protein. Choose oily fish for protein instead. Oily fish, such as salmon, mackerel and halibut, provide omega-3 fatty acids — essential fats with anti-inflammatory properties.

Fried Foods-

Fried foods, such as potato chips, french fries and fried pastries, are additional rich sources of saturated fat. Many also contain trans-fats, which can increase your LDL, or “bad” cholesterol and reduce your HDL, or “good” cholesterol, according to the American Heart Association, increasing your risk for heart disease significantly. For heightened benefits, replace fried foods in your diet with moderate amounts of healthy fat sources, such as nuts, seeds, avocados and vegetable oils.

Added Sugars-

Added sugars contribute sweet flavor and calories, but few nutrients, to foods. Other particularly sugar-rich foods include candy, colorful cereals, pancake syrup, jelly, jam, frosting, frozen desserts and commercially-prepared cakes, cookies, pastries and pies. Healthier alternatives include unsweetened apple sauce, all-fruit frozen bars, tea sweetened with stevia and low-sugar bran muffins.

Refined Grains-

Refined grains, such as white flour, instant rice and enriched pasta, contain few nutrients and little fiber compared to the natural whole grains they derive from. Increasing your fiber intake strengthens your immune function, so swap white bread and other refined foods out for 100 percent whole grain alternatives. Nutritious options include oats, barley, wild rice, brown rice and air-popped popcorn.


These sugary drinks can contain anywhere from 30 to 50 grams of sugar in just one can. So imagine the damage a few sodas a day can do. According to “Associated Content,” sugar can lower your immune system just ten minutes after you drink it. The acid found in colas can also do damage to your intestinal tract, which allows germs to enter. Even diet sodas can hurt your immune system. The aspartame found in them can harm neutral cells within the body, making more room for infectious ones.

Acidic Foods Increase Acid –

Because the gastrointestinal tract is thought to effect the immune system, there are those who believe that eating acidic foods will damage the lining. However, according to Alice of Columbia University, digesting a grapefruit is like throwing a bucket of salt water into the ocean. It is acidic, but not nearly as much as the acids naturally found in your stomach and intestines. Those who are still concerned about acidic foods can find a list of the foods that contain the most, such as lemons and vinegar.

Many things such as stress and improper hand washing can lower your immune system. However, those watching what they eat and drink can also have a leg up. By taking stock of these ten surprising foods and myths that lower your immune system, you could sail through cold and flu season with no problem.